The family ready to see our biggest boy off to Kindergarden!

First day, here comes the bus!

Someone is excited

Bye Jared, see you in a few hours!

A quick shot of Petey, the Mantis that stayed with us through the summer guarding our wisteria

Master Devin is not pleased with his first haircut experience

He's doing pretty well

No tears, no complaining, no nothing actually. Devin tends to take things he doesn't yet understand in stride

Is that the crack of a smile I see?

Maybe not

Ok Daddy, can we get this done already?

Ok, I admit that wasn't so bad Daddy

Yeah, I am handsome!

Devin the stair tread

Joined by his brother on the apparently comfy staircase

We took a trip out to Wisconsin Dells and visited the Great Wolf Lodge. While there,
we ate at nearby Buffalo Phils, a huge restaurant where in one room, your food is
delivered by train

Of course our little train enthusiasts went nuts

When not carrying food, they put toys on the trains, like dinosaurs. This is
like boy-overload, a train with dinosaurs

Our hams

Devin updating his Facebook page

No Daddy, I did not just buy the complete Dora the Explorer DVD set on Amazon

Deving getting his very own stuffed wolf from the stuffing station

Wait, is this the box we take home Devin in?

Here's the GWL (girl) mascot Violet, visiting the kids during story time

Now that's what I call a bear hug

Visiting Great Grandma, we got a chance to see the fall harvest being...well, harvested!

Devin excited about the combine

Along with big brother too, of course

All ready to take off back home to Michigan

But wait, what's this? Why it's our friend Mike Frederic offering a VERY excited boy something special

Mike and his dad Jerry farm the land, which actually is owned by Grandpa Travis. You'll be quizzed on this later

Daddy! I'm a farmer!

Jared and Mike dumping a load of corn

How fun is that?

Look Daddy, I'm steering!

Keep it in the rows son

Another load into the wagon

Devin was a bit too little this year, but Mama and Jared took one more trip around the field. Thanks Mike!

And as we see Mike continue on with his harvesting, off we go home, bye!