Here's Devin with some nice fun toys in the background

So what does he love to play with?

Yes, an old oven mitt

Hey, you're talking about me aren't you?

Here's the big yard project for the year, posts and beams in place

A new vertical addition to the deck which we attached a couple years back

Here it is taking shape with the joists, why it's a brand new pergola!

Seems relatively simple, but there's a lot of calculations involved in this thing

A table umbrella just wasn't cutting it as a sun-blocker, so I decided to go with this

When all is said and done, it'll give great coverage to the deck with the overhang, and
provide about 60-80% sun-blockage overall, depending on the position of the sun

The design was taken from the pergolas at Greenfield Village in Dearborn, MI. It's a
straightforward and effective craftsman design that, given our love of that place,
adds another personal touch to our home

A view from the top. Using the staggered slats pattern that you see allowed me to use
shorter lumber, which is cheaper overall per foot than longer lumber. Plus, I had
to rip those things from 2x6's, and I had no desire to be ripping 16' boards

Quick transition and here we are at Henry Vilas Zoo in Madison, WI

Jared reviewing his arm length to some "relatives"

Devin enjoying the day at the zoo

Great Aunt Carol and Jared enjoying the seals at play

A seal at play

Now that's one close tiger


A tapir, which thanks to the magic of Dora the Explorer, Jared was able to identify

One of Daddy's favorites, the bull rhino

14 feet tall baby

What do you think Devin? Kinda tall huh?

The giraffes having a discussion with their camel neighbors

Closer view of the camels

Mama and Devin ready to move onto the next animals


A shy ostrich, he wouldn't come any closer

Some flamingos lurking about

Here's the group riding the zoo carousel. It was very nice, heck overall
the zoo is really nice

Jared playing on (in) the animal playground

Our little joey

Hi everyone! (that's the carousel building in the background)

A nice bison

And something we don't have at our local zoo, a grizzly bear

The polar bear coming out to view the crowd

And enjoying the sunshine

Easter back at Great Grandma's, Jared searching for eggs

Devin in on the fun also

Where are those silly eggs?

The little D found one!

Daddy! There's candy in these things!

Hmm, where's my basket?

There it is!

Devin got one too, look at the goodies the Easter Bunny gave us

Devin trying on big brother's shoes

Mr. Serious

Our wonderful boy trying out his new harmonica over and over. Why did we get him a new harmonica? Oh darn, did it break?

Ready to head back to Michigan

Great Grandma kissing her littlest great-grandson goodbye