Devin playing with one of Daddy's slippers

Devin saying hi to everyone

Jared and Devin hanging out at the top of the stairs

Jared and Maybelle playing in some fresh snow

Sorry Devin, it's a little too cold for you right now, plus he wasn't feeling too well

Snow angels!

Maybelle getting into the act also

Jared going over to talk to his little brother

See, he was still happy to see big brother having fun

How does that window taste boy?

Jared celebrating his actual birthday with a fresh slice of cake he picked out from the bakery in town

The big 5 year old posing with his gifts

That weekend, Jared had his buddies over to celebrate his birthday with him

He wanted Spongebob cupcakes this year, so there you go. Blow out the candle son!

Ok, don't tell anyone your wish

Mmm, frosting

Devin waiting for his cupcake

Jared working on the Spongebob pinata. No more hitting pinatas nowadays, it's
all done by strings now

Cousin Ethan checking out the pinata aftermath

Everyone sorting their candy loot from Spongebob's butt

Jared ready to dive into some gifts

Jared and friends

Neighbor Kevin helping Jared open some gifts

I have no idea why, but he apparently Jared got excited about something here. Happy birthday you wonderful little 5 year old!

After the party, Mama greatly enjoying the fact that Devin can now climb up onto the breakfast bar stools - not. There's no stopping him now!
Devin exploring big brother's loft