Another milestone - Jared's now grabbing things! His favorite toy so far
is this fabric teething thing. He loves the way it krinkles

Mama giving the boy some tummy time on the excercise ball

Mama testing out the boy in the cross-terrain carrier. Think of it as a super-baby-backpack.
It'll be really useful when we want to take him to parks and stuff. He needs a bit more head
control before he can really use it, so probably another month.

Jared visiting the Thomas family: Erin, Leah, Karis and LeeAnn.

And here's Jeff (LeeAnn's husband). Jeff and Daddy went to high school together.

Bath time! Well, post-bath time drying off!

This, and the next two pictures from previous pages are the photographic
equivalent of jared's growth chart.
4 months

2 months

1.5 months

Here's Grandma and Grandpa Fairchild with their baby grandson!

Grandma and Grandpa with the big boy again, this time with Cousins Ethan and Samantha

Three generations of Fairchilds, their first and middle names stringing back into the past:
Jared Scott Travis Eugene Boyd Seth Fairchild (I don't know any further back at this time).

May 8th 2005 - Mama's first Mother's day and Jared's 4-month birthday whee!