Visiting the Monroe County Fair, here we see Jared getting ready to ride the Swinger,
or as I like to refer to it as the "Vomitator"

Devin's got a couple years yet before he can dive into rides like that

Up, up and away!

Whee, I love it Daddy!

Here's a shot of Mama and the boy riding the Scrambler

Jared exploring the funhouse

Mama and Jared about to ride the Chinese dragon mini-coaster

Devin was such a good boy, though he did get sick of being in his stroller after a bit.
Of course, who wouldn't with all this happening around you?

There they go down the main hill of this massive roller coaster

Jared exploring the animal displays

Hello Mr. Turkey, is your name Thanksgiving or Christmas?

The fair has a neat little permanent mini-train too

Very cool, of course we had to take it for a spin

Here's a shot of the engine

Jared signing up to be a deputy Sheriff for our county. Respect his authoritah!

Climbing the stairs for the Fun Slide (Where do they come up with these fantastic ride names?)

Ready... Set...

Go! Wheeeeeeee!

Devin has had enough, time for a nice relaxing afternoon nap

Big brother sure hasn't though

Here he goes working towards his learner's permit

This is cool Dad, can I drive home?

The big boy back on the Swinger

This time Mama gets in on the fun

Our pride & joy enjoying a nice big cardboard box

A few pages ago I promised some penguin shots from the Toledo Zoo

Well, here's one now, enjoying a nice refreshing swim

Here's the rest of the clan relaxing on the penninsula

In the new Nature's Neighborhood area of the zoo, they have a little squishy baby pond

Devin LOVED it

Daddy and Jared visited the Michigan Reniassance Festival as we're apt to do annually.
Here we see the Queen blessing the upcoming games

The champions

The blue knight represented us

The Lady of the Lists directing the games

Full contact jousting, the highlight of the faire

The Lady reprimanding the purple knight for a foul

Our knight advancing for battle

First the green knight falls

Then the red

Jared posing with our champion!

Visiting Gigi's in wisconsin, here's Daddy with his little one, ready to mow the lawn

Now a shot of the littlest one wanting to help too. Soon enough son, soon enough

The boys playing with some Thomas trains

Here we are at Wisconsin Dells, visiting a place called Lost Canyon

It's a cool, horse-drawn ride through some very cool rock formations

The guide was pretty cool too, cracking jokes here and there

Some of the passages were very tight

Very tight

Some places in these caverns have not seen direct sunlight for millenia

Also, local indians used this area as a meeting place and shelter in years past

Visiting the Riverside and Great Northern Railway

Jared violating the hands-in rule, but what a cute shot

Devin loved it for sure

Daddy and his train-loving boys

Gigi feeding her littlest great-grandson some yummy oatmeal

Time to go home, but we'll be back soon!

Back home, our little spartans taking a rest on their bench

Jared enjoying a nice P-jelly lunch in the boys' playhouse