Visiting Greenfield Village - Devin's first time!

A nice shot of the Edison 4-4-0 engine that will be pulling Devin on his first train ride

And a couple more shots

Here we go D! (he doesn't quite know what to make of it yet)

Passing by the sheep at the Henry Ford birthplace

I wasn't able to get a smile shot, but I'm pretty sure he enjoyed it

I count two turtles in this pond shot, but I'm sure there's like thirty more in there

Passing around the back of the park, they were gearing up for their big 4th of July show later that evening

Complete with cannons for use in the 1812 Overture

Here's Jared checking out the sheep near the Firestone farm

Mama and big brother took a shot at weaving a cool new bookmark
Bookmark-making action shot!

Devin's first carousel ride!

Oh how I wish the pictures were more clear. Oh well, he had a great time
Devin enjoying his first carousel ride

Lots of crafts to do today, here we see Jared demonstrating his brand new, hand-dipped beeswax candles that him and Daddy made together

Mama and Jared taking off for a wagon ride while Daddy and Devin hung out for a bit

Heh, it's hard to not stop off and quickly visit the big Allegheny

Back home, here's a small garden friend that Daddy found

Not a squeamish boy, Jared loves snakes big time

Time to let him go son, bye snake!

Devin hanging out in the boys' rocking chair in the playroom

Here are the boys enjoying their swing set together

Devin's first time swinging too!

I think he likes it
Swinging action