In the crux of the fence, we had a few visitors ths year...
Baby robins!

Daddy robin keeping watch over his babies

Mama and Daddy robin getting quite and obviously sick of me bugging their kids

Jared pointing out a couple of mourning doves hanging out on the fence

And also one of our many resident toads in the woodchips

Little D in his first trip in the van in the bigger boy seat

Right next to, and inverted from, big brother

Grandpa Travis holding onto Devin during a family down for Mother's day

Grandma Ginny and all her beautiful grandchildren

Now we switch up to Lansing for Father's day. Grandpa Travis with his boy and his boy's boys

Grandpa Travis with all his grandbaby boys

Devin telling Grandma Ginny a secret

Don't tell Grandpa Travis!

Jared and Ethan out playing with some water balloons and pool
Water balloons!

The boys enjoying a fun moment on the swing

Devin and Samantha hanging out on the swing


More bubbles!
Chasing bubbles!

Devin getting ready for dinner
Sitting in Daddy's old highchair no less. I'm sure this thing is a deathtrap by today's standards, but I survived

Grandma Ginny feeding her littlest grandson
Mmmm, sweet potatoes, that's the stuff Grandma

Not much beats BBQ ribs for Father's Day

Jared saying goodbye to Cheshire cousin Ethan
Happy Mother and Father's day!