This page is from Tara and Jared's trip out to Delaware to see the family.
Unfortunately Daddy couldn't go, but the whole family was excited to meet the
newest member!

Tara and Jared visiting cousin Michael at college

Grandma Arden and her precious grandchild taking a snooze

Uncle John having some dialogue with the big boy

Aunt Pat with Jared in what I consider the most beautiful shot of the boy yet

Aunt Geri with a fussy boy grabbing for Aunt Cheryl

Uncle Joe's turn!

...and the handoff to Aunt Cheryl

Aunt Marge holding the happy boy. Did I mention yet that Jared has
29 Aunts and Uncles?

Here's cousin Jamie with Jared and Cousin-once-removed Travis

Cousin Stacy doing some "dirty work" on the boy with Cousin Jamie
and Cousin-once-removed Kearah. I *think* that blur in the background
is Cousin-once-removed Cole

J-boy enjoying his swing. Thanks to Cousin Stacy and the rest
of the family for letting us borrow all the baby stuff!

Grandpa Jack and Grandma Arden with their baby grandson

Aunt Cheri with a happy boy

Uncle Sean dropping by to meet the big boy

Jared's first trip to the beach in Rehoboth

Cousin Jonathon holding a naked baby!

Grandpa Jack with his littlest grandson

Grandma Arden having a fun time with Jared

Mama, Grandma and a hungry baby boy