Here's the boy visiting Great Grandma Shirley (Gigi) and Great Aunt Carol

Peek a boo! (Daddy used to do the same thing with that very same table when he was little and visited Grandma)

We went up to Wisconsin Dells for the day and here's the boy ready to dive into the Wisconsin Deer Park

Wow Daddy, what kind of bird is that?

Hey, that's a peacock! Very pretty

We've been here before, but Jared really loves the deer, and feeding them

Look Daddy! More deer!

Hey Mama, you wanna feed some deer?

Munch munch munch

Hey, these guys are hungry

Here's the family chilling out in the deer park


What, you want a cracker too?

Nice deer. They are so tame and gentle. Jared loved petting them

Of course some we couldn't get to, but they were cool to look at

Look Daddy! More deer! I want to pet them too!

And some cool lemures hanging out

And another favorite attraction, the Riverside and Great Northern Railway mini-train

Again, all the things are miniature, even the water tower

Here comes the train...

Yay, there it is!

Hey, last time we rode this thing it derailed!

Here we go again, time for a fun train ride

The conductor is getting the final ready call from the engineer

Here's the family ready to ride

Here's Daddy and his boy enjoying a rail-cruise through the woods

Here comes the train, switching to be able to take us back to the station

Alright, we made it back with no derailing this time!

We took a ride on one of the Wisconsin Ducks and caught a deer on the way out

Here's Daddy enjoying a duck ride with his boy

Sorry, we didn't take too many pictures of the duck ride, but here was a cool shot of the rock formation where you can see right through.
some say the outline looks like a wedding bell. Sadly, not a month after we left, the levee broke and drained Lake Delton. It was a
pretty big disaster, flooding the lower Dells (where we are in this picture).

Carol trying to catch the boy in a picture. Not so easy is it Carol?


Jared blowing one of Gigi's pretty "lawn stars"

Back on the big wheel

Wipeout! Look at that pose, how cute

He sat there for a while all contemplative about the crash, it was adorable

Gigi's pretty new flag. Lots of wind comes across the field and flags don't last too long, but I hate seeing a flagpole without a flag

Look what Daddy found in the bushes in front of Gig's house. Don't touch!

Time to go, we'll see you again soon!