Kahula enjoying the magic of the season...safe underneath the Christmas tree

Jared hanging out, waiting for the Milan Christmas parade to start


Marching band!

Jared and other kids cheering on the parade

Here's the coolest float in my opinion, a miniature cityscape

The penguin is actually a friend of ours, Nelson. The kids loved his costume

And here comes a Thomas look-alike

It was cute, but even Jared said "not Thomas"

But the train was pulling Santa in the back, so that was cool

Jared listening to The Wiggles on Mama's computer

Here's a few shots of us visiting Greenfield Village's Holiday Nights. As you can
see, one of Santa's reindeer is gearing up for the season

And there's the big man himself

He called down the names of kids too. I snapped this shot just after Jared heard
his name and went running around in excitement

Jared and Mama visiting with a civil war soldier on a cold winter's night

Jared hanging out in the ammunition tent

Now we switch to Lansing, visiting Aunt Debbie and Uncle Chuck

Jared ripping into some goodies

Woah! A Thomas lantern!

And here we see Jared abandoning all his other gifts because he liked the lantern so much

Ooo, Samantha got a board game from Jared

And Jared got a set of cookie cars to go with his Thomas train set. They are really
cute with a chocolate chip car, a sugar car, a flour car, a butter car and an egg car.
The box even had a recipe for cookies on it

Uncle Chuck showing Ethan how to control the RC truck we got him

Now Ethan takes the wheel

While in Lansing we visited Potter Park Zoo during their Wonderland of Lights spectacluar

Jared singing Christmas carols while waiting for Daddy to buy tickets

Check out the wolf, very cool and kinda spooky

Some of the nice light displays they had around the zoo

Cousins being goofy in the wagon

And a shot of the whole zoo-visiting clan

We made a gingerbread house this year. It was from a kit, but you had to mix the frosting
and decorate it all

Look, snow on the house!

And the finished product. Gee son, that wouldn't be some gingerbread house on your lips now would it?

An action shot of the boy on some bubble wrap

Jared sitting down for a relaxing time to watch some Curious George on TV

Daddy and his boy chilling out on the couch

Here's a shot of the gingerbread house ready to display for Santa

And of course, like a really good boy, Jared left some yummy cookies out for Santa on Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas!

Jared playing with his brand new toys

Which included a really neat workbench with working drill press. Now he can use tools just like Daddy

Oh yeah, we tore into the gingerbread house that day too. I can't say it was all that great, as the
gingerbread was a bit stale. Oh well, it looked cool anyway

And Jared enjoying one of his gifts from Grandma and Grandpa before heading off to sleep to dream
about all the wonderful gifts he received.
Merry Christmas!