Here's a very bad boy getting into the diapers, the lotion and...
the powder, ugh.
We'll be cleaning that up for months

Jared enjoying a visit one night the Chuck E Cheeses for some pizza and fun

And here's some of the fun. Not too many pics (it is just a night out at a restaurant after all) but
there's more fun to be had at Chuck E Cheeses coming soon

So yeah, October 8th, in Michigan. Can you believe this?

Here's Jared gearing up for a trip he's really going to enjoy. Sure it's last year's costume but
it's still adorable

On a train! It's the Blissfield Halloween Spook Train!

Unfortunately no pictures of the engines came out but it was really fun. We took a short trip out
and back, and the kids got their own pumpkins to decorate. Jared loved it

And here are the boys carving this year's pumpkins

And here are the results. Note the one on the left is supposed to be a cat with a tiny mouse pumpkin inside

The results: cooler

Arr matey, 'ere's our little swashbuckler ready to pillage for candy and treats

Off he goes with his neighbor friend Tanner

Here's just a neat magic hour shot of the neighborhood. It's amazing how clear things look
during that brief time in the evening just before the lights really begin to dim

And our little pirate, back from adventures, crashing in our bed for a little bit