Day before the party and here's Jared running around with Grandma Ginny, or
is it Grandma Ginny running around with Jared, or maybe Jared running AROUND
Grandma Ginny

Jared trying out a tricycle I'm pretty sure I used to ride at one point

Here's Jared "helping" Grandpa Travis clean the mower

Alright, let's get to cutting some grass!

Now THIS can cut some grass!

Grandpa Travis taking out the boy for a trip on Great-Grandpa Ralph's
Farmall tractor

Off they go...

Um, are they coming bac...oh, there they are, whew

Daddy's little farmer. Great-Grandpa Ralph would be proud

Here's Jared playing with Cousin Sarah, Jimmy and Great Aunt Carol

Hey, I can get used to this kind of attention!

Here are the kids putting their artistic touch on a poster for Gigi

...and Jared putting his "touch" just about everywhere else too. Thank
goodness for washable markers

The daughters taking a crack at their own poster

Jared diving for more markers for his masterpiece

The funny story behind this one is that I was sitting in the chair in
the lower family room with my back to the kitchen here. There was a
commotion, and instead of getting up, I reached up with the camera blindly,
took a picture and this was the result. I think Erin's cracking up at
the sight of a lone arm and camera rising up over the counter to
take a picture

A rare quiet moment before the party, ahhh

Grandma's party was held at the Milton Community Center, a revamped
train station. It was just the right size and hey, it's a train
station. You can't get much cooler than that

Here's mom draping some tables

And the rest of us setting up, hanging streamers, etc.

Very pretty, all we need now are some balloons

Here's the family eating fish at Randy's Supper Club. The family
has been going to Randy's for about 35 years whenever visiting, though
that kinda halted when it burnt down in a fire and didn't exist for
a few years. His daughter, however, rebuilt it and runs it herself

Here's a good shot of Jimmy losing his mind

...and more of the fam eating yummy fish

Chuck, Samantha and Ethan passed out in a food coma. Ok, just Chuck

And here's Grandma opening her gifts. This is before the party, because
afterwards we'd probably all be too exhausted

...with the family watching on

Garden stepping stones from Ethan and Samantha.

And an Aquadoodle from me, Tara and Jared!

Ok, not an Aquadoodle, but actually a box that I made to display
Great-Grandpa Ralph's WWII medals and insignia

Here's a closer shot. It's walnut wood with hickory inlays. I wanted it to be
simple and elegant so as not to take away from the contents of the box

More presents, what could it be?

A clock from Nancy and Bill.

...and it lights up too! The dogs on the plaque are the same breed as Ted, one
of Grandma and Grandpa's favorite dogs from the past

And now the party (with balloons!)

...and more party

...and more party

...and more party

...and more party

...and more party

...and FOOD! It was dish-to-pass, and all were wonderful and delicious


Here's a shot of Mama and the boy with full bellies

The yummy cake

Here are the kids doing some party-time coloring and decorating

Here's Grandma (on the right) with her older brother Bob and younger sister Tootie

And Grandma's girls, Carol, Ginny and Nancy

And the grandkids Samantha, Ethan and Jared!

My son is such a ham

Now that's my boy!

Cousins Erin and Sarah with their boyfriends Otto and Jimmy

Bye bye balloon!

Jared enjoying some quiet time after party clean-up

After the party we headed over to Cousin Ron's pumpkin wagon to
pick up some pumpkins for this year's Halloween fun

The aftermath. Everyone will be eating ham sandwiches and potato
salad for a month

Somebody had a busy day

Grandma enjoying some quiet time reading through the party guestbook

I can't believe how good this picture turned out. Look at all the smiles!
Back Row: Otto, Bill, Ethan, Chuck, Debbie, Jimmy, Sarah and Scott
Front Row: Erin, Nancy, Travis, Ginny, Samantha, Shirley, Carol, Tara and Jared