Here's a day Daddy Grandpa Travis and Jared visited the North American Model
Train show at Cobo Center in Detroit. As you can see, the boy was quite
distracted by all the cool train stuff

Here's a nice layout of a very detailed fishing village

And another shot of the same layout. I thought this one was the best

And now Legos!


And more Legos! And a baseball game to boot, how neat

Very cool shuttle made from, you guessed it, Legos!

Here's a neat Star Wars scene made from even more Legos!

So get this, we take a ride on the Detroit Peoplemover and who should get on? The King!
He was sure to thankusverymuch

Back at home for a hearty home-cooked dinner. Here's the boy munching on some yummy, buttery sweet corm, mmmmm

Ok, zero real transition here, but this is actually taken on a visit to Great-Grandma Shirley's
in Wisconsin. Here's our little ankle-biter saying hi to some goats at the Rock County 4H fair.
He loves animals so much

And here's some baby duckies

It was really cute, the duckies would swim around and then climb all over the wire mesh and
ramps and repeat. Hi duckie!

And here's the family riding the carousel they had at the fair

Look how big I am!

Here's Great-Grandma Shirley reading the paper with a super-cute little boy

This was taken at a place called the Liberty Station in Milton (Wisconsin). It's a
restaurant made out of the old train station, plus we're actually sitting
inside a caboose for lunch!

And a shot of the family with all the railroad memorabilia

Mama and Jared posing in front of the CNW engine they have sitting out front

Nearby farmer Meyer sells pumpkins for Halloween and he took it upon
himself to have the coolest silo cap around

This is on our trip to Wisconsin Dells, a very exciting tourist city in mid-Wisconsin
(I highly recommend it for a fun family summer vacation of any length).
Here we are at the Wisconsin Deer Park where they have hundreds of deer that are
so tame you can feed them and even pet them too

Jared feeding a friendly buck

Oooo, so soft and velvety

While at the Dells, we visited the Riverside and Great Northern Railway. It's a small,
15" track train that rides into the woods and back. As if you couldn't guess, Jared
was totally geeked to ride it

As you can see, everything is scaled down to match the train size, including the buildings
and water tower. Look out, it's a giant boy!

And a shot of the roundhouse and turntable

Daddy and his awesome little boy

Add Mama into the mix

Looking over the bridge in the woods. Yeah, the fence doesn't make for a great picture,
but it was still cool to experience

Here's the engineer and conductor prepping the train for the trip back

At the end of the (single) line into the woods, they load the engine and tender onto a

Then they turn it around to head back to the station

But before they could hook it back up...oops! Derail! Dissed! We had to get shuttled back
to the station eventually, and missed a ride back on the train, but oh well, it was
still really fun and we'll be sure to do it again

Now here's a couple of cool myna birds at an African safari park in the area. It's actually
the old Storybook Gardens that they added some animals too. It had some cool things,
but overall it was really junky and I don't recommend it

Jared checking out a tortise

And ooooo, a giraffe checking out the boy, how cool!

Now we transition back to Janesville where we're having dinner at Shakey's Pizzeria.
It's a yummy pizza buffet with all sorts of good food. Here's Mama and Great-Grandma

And Jared sharing his ice cream cone with Great Aunt Carol

And finally Mama and the boy smiling for the adoring masses

Time to go back home, but we had a great time!