Jared exploring the eggs the Easter Bunny left for him

Look! I got my very own Easter basket full of goodies!

And another egg trail leads the boy to his Easter presents, his very own chair...

...and storybook, both featuring his favorite character - Thomas the Tank Engine

Thanks Mama and Daddy, I love it! So says the boy wearing, sitting on and reading Thomas. Thomas OD!

...Tequila's pretty fond of Thomas too apparently

The family celebrating Daddy's birthday. Mama and Daddy went out for a super nice dinner and we had this yummy cake later

Here's a trip we took up to Bronner's Christmas Store in Frankenmuth and lucky us, we got a picture with founder Wally Bronner

Jared getting ready for something at Greenfield Village he doesn't even know is coming...

Which way should I look Daddy? I see train tracks but...

...holy crap is that...

THOMAS! Mama! Daddy! It's Thomas!

Families getting ready to board Thomas with us during the Day out with Thomas event here at Henry Ford's Greenfield Village

And there's Thomas again! Mama, Daddy, do we get to ride him?

You betcha, and I present you with the least exciting photo of Jared on the train, why? It was the only one that was in focus

Cool, let's go Thomas!

A shot from Thomas looking out at the cool train area and roundhouse of Greenfield Village

Thomas letting off some steam, it sprinkled on us too

Heading round the bend, passing by a signal at a road crossing

And here's Jared saying goodbye to Thomas at the Main Street crossing. This whole thing was so cool