Jared checking out his squishy trains against Daddy's, not bad

Tight squeeze, don't wanna get run over!

Let's get a closer look at this, man I love trains!

Jared taking a spin on his first big wheel

It was cute, and had a Mickey Mouse theme, but he outgrew this one real fast

Look at me go Mama!

If you look closely, you'll see the rubber bands we used on his feet to get his used to pedaling

I love this thing, whee!

Jared enjoying some cheese puffs

Look at my cheedle-fingers daddy, now get me a washcloth!

Our baby is a goof sometimes

The family spending some time at Calder Dairy

Saying hi to a friendly goose

Look, duckies!

Here goosey, have some corn

Mama hand-feeding Mr. Goose

Ooooooo, we're all out of corn

The family posing in front of Dolly the cow

Yes Jared, sometimes chickens (ok, roosters) can fly

Jared being silly with his toolbelt...er hat...er toolbelt

Jared exploring the trashcan, how pleasant

Mama, you coming out?

I love my deck

I can see all over from up here

Ok, that's enough, lemme back in Daddy

And here's a cool shot of a spider web on our deck, sparkling with some frosty morning dew