Jared's new obsession is trains! Thanks to Daddy no less, taking him to train shows, setting up
his own and all that. Here he's even making his own train out of his cars. The boy can't get enough

Ok, he's had enough. Zzzzzzzzzz

Here's a really cool Lego train setup we saw at the Novi train show

And now we see a very cool city scene

Check out this really neat carnival setup. The mirror doubles the size

The same carnival, but this time with a train zooming past in the front

And here's Jared on a recent visit to Great-Grandma Gray's (Gigi's) house in Wisconsin.
Well, actually he's on Maybelle here, on that visit. Ha! double entendre.
Ok, it wasn't that funny

Maybelle sure loves this, yeah right. She tolerates it though, cause she loves Jared
and always looks out for him

And here the boy takes a spill off his trusty mount

Here's Gigi reading her Great-Grandson a book

Ok, over in Wisconsin, we took a trip out to Monroe (cute town), and along the
highway they had snowmobile paths. What makes these paths so cool is
that they actually put up little bitty road signs for them. It's kinda
hard to see here, but those are teeny-weeny stop signs

Here's a couple more with some railroad signals in the back for scale.
Aren't they adorable? More trains! Anyway, they had "Stop Ahead"
"Yield" and other signs also. Too cute

Here's the baby boy making a tunnel out of one of his favorite books
and playing with his Leapfrog train

And time to go home. Bye Gigi! Bye Great Aunt Carol!