Here's the birthday boy getting excited for some cake.
We had this party on Saturday, two days before his birthday with
a bunch of friends.

Look at that, he blew out all the candles (with a little help)

The cake was a dinosaur theme with little plastic dinos that
actually roared when you pressed them. White cake with strawberry
filling, yum

Cutting the cake for all of Jared's adoring fans

Mmm, Dadmpghy, this cake is yumughsmmf!

Jared digging into his pile o' gifts with his friends
Samantha, Reese and Matthew looking on

More presents (and his friend Bryce in the background)

Samantha showing Jared the gift she helped wrap, a Noah's Ark
musical playset. He really loves this thing. Plus, you can also
see Jared's friend Lindsey in the back there, at least half of her.
Sorry Lindsey, I didn't get a good pic of you!

Mr. Potato Head!

Great Aunt Nancy and Uncle Bill got Jared this Bob the Builder
playset. Very fun

The Birthday boy carrying all his cards to hang on the door!

And here's Birthday Round 2. On Sunday, we met up with Aunt Debbie,
Uncle Chuck and Cousins Ethan and Samantha at Red Robin for a
birthday dinner for the big boy

Uncle Chuck, Ethan and Jared getting ready for some yummy burgers

The stack of onion rings was bigger than Jared!

The boy loves them chicken fingers. Either that or he's howling at
the moon. Maybe both!

And french fries go down the hatch with no complaints either

Happy birthday to you... Jared being serenaded to by the Red Robin staff

Mmmmm, yummy hot fudge sundae. No fussiness about food at this place

And a shot of the family at RR

And the cousins

And later that night, playing with his new gifts

This is cool, I wonder how far I can throw these things?

Daddy's little handyman with his brand new toolbelt

Birthday Round 3! Yup, finally we had the rest of the cake
on Jared's actual birthday

Like I said, the end of the cake. Yes, you get to blow out the candles again son!

And now to wash it down with some cold, refreshing milk, mmmm

Happy 2nd Birthday son! (now time for a haircut)