Wow, she looks a lot bigger once you get her in the house. Thank
goodness for peaked ceilings. I absolutely LOVE a big tree like this.
We even had to wire it to the wall to help support it

Here's Mama and Jared enjoying some fun time under the tree. Good thing
those needles are soft

And our little speedster. We turn our back for a second and he scrambles
five steps up the ladder

Here's a shot all decorated with the pretty angel on top.
Of course, for obvious reasons, we didn't put any ornaments
below three feet

Hey Daddy, what's in this drawer? Bah, you put one of those latches on it.
Yeah, I think I can get my hand in there anyway

Merry Christmas!

Mama and her favorite baby boy having a tickle fight

Here's a shot of our other babies enjoying the tree. Tequila spent most
of her nights sleeping under it, while Kahlua loved eating (and puking)
the needles. Yay

Jared playing with some toast up at Aunt Debbie & Uncle Chuck's place
in Lansing where we celebrated an early Christmas with them

And here are the three cousins, ready to stir up some trouble

Oooo, presents! Jared was pretty good at unwrapping, surprise surprise

Any more presents for me?

Cousins Samantha and Ethan opening their gifts

Cool, a train engineer Pooh bear!

Here's Uncle Chuck having some fun with the big boy

And here's a really cool gift for Jared, which he'll enjoy once
we open it back home. Right now he's looking for more presents

And here we are back home, basking in the glow of Christmas morning,
with Jared's really cool tricycle in the front. Unfortunately the
boy needs
to grow a couple more inches before he can use it


More presents! This Pooh bear you can hook up to your computer to
program, then it'll actually use Jared's name in sentences and
stuff. It's pretty neat

Jared loves to open presents and tear the paper to pieces in the process

More paper

Even more paper

Mama giving the boy his next gift

Jared loves puzzles of all kinds. Of course, they are kinda hard to use
with the plastic still on

Tequila sneaking under the tree to watch the festivities from
a safe distance

This is a cool wind-up flashlight that doesn't need batteries to run

Oooo, what's this?

Hey, a magna-doodle, I love these

Jared grabbing onto one of Mama's gifts. No son, that's not for you

There's another present for you!

Wow, a discover sounds kitchen. Very cool. Daddy, set it up now!

Mama enjoying her comfortable new rocking chair from Daddy and Jared

He's a little too small for the trike, but he can still try on his helmet

Jared obviously losing his mind from all the excitement. Well, that's
it for this year. Next year will be even cooler once Jared really
understands what's going on with Santa and all that. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!