Daddy's favorite holiday! Here's the house decked out in
cheesy, yet cool decorations

And the spooky, glowing skeleton creeping out of the ground

And the happy spooky floating glowing ghosts

And the glowing spider web, ooooo

And here's our little vampire all set for a night on the town

Hey, this cape is itchy

Strike a pose!

Blah! I vant to drink your blood! Isn't he ADORABLE!!?!?!?

Jared spending some time at the chalkboard during the Urban Toddler Halloween

And the boy coloring a halloween goodie bag

Mama enjoying a rest while the boy plays with the fire engine

That's my boy! Tools!

They even had a magician come and perform. He was pretty good and very kid-friendly,
but Jared lost interest after the first couple tricks, oh well

My little Einstein calculating on his abacus

Woaoaoaaaooaooa, cool Daddy, I'm all wiggly!

And here's Daddy with his groovy grim reaper costume. The mask I've had since
high school, amazingly,
and this year I upgraded pretty much everything else including a heavy robe with
bell hood and sleeves, bone gloves, real chains (which are oh so cool when they
rattle) and the piece de resistance, an authentic 19th century scythe

Oh yeah, and a little amulet thingy too, which is facing the right direction in this
picture at least. Anyway, this was a super fun Halloween. Scared kids (don't worry,
I was nice, mostly), people that wanted pictures with The Reaper and just watching
people try to figure out if you're real or a mannekin, until you move toward them.
Fun fun fun!

And now, the Daddy behind the mask

Daddy with his favorite little Vampire, just before heading out for the real thing

Now a shot of our jack-o-lanterns, from Cousin Ron's pumpkin patch in Wisconsin
no less. Just a couple this year, but I went with a new idea, the pumpkin
in a pumpkin. This one is a prisoner behind bars, with the key
to sweet freedom glowing brightly nearby - so close, yet so far away.

Happy Halloween!