And now we move on to Williamsburg, VA, one of Daddy's favorite places to visit. Here's the new Yankee Candle store

Lots of holiday theming and cool things to buy

The sky was lit up with "stars" and there's even a train track up there, but it wasn't running, bummer!

Sneaking a photo in Santa's Workshop

Santa was a away for lunch I guess, but let's see who he was checking up on..

Why it's Jared, and he's on the good list, sweet!

A shot down Main Street inside Yankee Candle

Then the family visited Jamestowne Settlement. Here are the Powhatan indian huts

Inside were beds, tools and furs of all kinds

And some leather being dried for tanning

Here's a shot of the fort

And of the ships that brought over the first settlers to America. This is the Susan Constant

And here is the Discovery and the Godspeed behind it

Another shot of the Susan Constant, this time of the stern

Jared gazing across the James River from the stern of the Godspeed

And here's a view off the stern of the Susan Constant

In the crew quarters of the Susan Constant

The family in front of one of the defense cannons for the fort

A building under construction

Inside the church, with nice and comfortable solid wood padding-less benches

Mama and Jared giving a sermon to the church

Watching the blacksmith stoke the fire

And here we have Jared spending some quality Daddy-time visiting Colonial Williamsburg, one of Daddy's
favorite places. This is in front of the Bruton Parish church

So yeah, the Bruton Parish church

Here's a shot of the boy in front of the governor's palace

And a loooooonnnnngggg shot in front of the governor's palace

In front of the heavily-defended magazine, where they stored all the gunpowder for the town

Here's a British general coming down the street to greet us loyalists. Ha, loyalists, just you wait sir!

And now back in Michigan, visiting Calder's Dairy, a local farm, with chickens!

Jared watching the cows going in to get milked, mmmm muddy

Here's a mama cow and her new baby, born just the day before!

Jared's a bit hesitant with horses, but cows don't seem to phase him much at all


Here's a family of ducks looking for some loose corn

Don't give me any bull

And here's something you don't see every day, an emu

Here's a donkey coming over to be petted

And here's Mama and Jared feeding a friendly goose

He really was friendly, many times geese will be a bit aggressive, especially when you have some corn to feed them
