Jared, who has recently figured out how to open the dishwasher

Yep, that spoon needs to go back in

Our new present to ourselves that we've wanted for a very long time, a beautiful
grandfather clock.
It has clear chimes and a very deep gong that sounds just fantastic

Kahlua enjoying his new perch

Birthing class friends Michael and Jack

More birthing class friends

Michael eyeing Jared's swing

Michael and Niko meeting up

More friends (Jeanne, Paula, Michael, Jack, Carrie, Niko, Ethan and Jackie)

Michael loves the camera

Niko playing with some toys

Niko and Jared trying to figure out the trash can

Hey there good lookin!

Jared's new favorite hiding spot

Can't see me!

Here I am Mama! Surprise!

Cousins Samantha and Ethan and Jared hanging out in Ethan's room

And jumping on the bed (Don't tell Aunt Debbie)

Jared and Ethan wrestling

Jared all alone

Jared and Samantha hanging out on Aunt Debbie and Uncle Chuck's bed

The family visiting some sheep at one of the Michigan State farms

Sheep! There were also some peacocks, goats and a donkey (to keep away the coyotes)

The boy enjoying some of Daddy's trains

Hey, I can grab that!

Help! I'm surrounded!

Jared grabbing for a zamboni on one of the flatcars