The big boy meets Santa for the first time!

Jared enjoying the magic of the season

Mama and Jared all bundled up for the Milan Christmas Parade

Jeff and Leeann Thomas came out to the parade too - wow it was cold

All kinds of kids and fun floats were there

Here's a couple of the wise men

And the third wisema...wait, that's a woman

More parade floats. If you've ever seen "A Christmas Story" think of the first scene
when the family went to the parade. Gotta love small towns

Now this was cool, or hot I mean. It's a hot air balloon furnace that threw up a plume
of flame every now and then. It was very cool, exciting and it actually helped warm
things up a bit

And there's Santa with his reindeer! Looks like only Dasher and Vixen showed up to this parade

And here's Jared so tired he didn't even get a chance to lay down before falling asleep

Christmas! Well, one Christmas of three really.

All kinds of new presents and my boy plays with the surprise box I played with as a kid, how neat

Aunt Debbie, Uncle Chuck and Cousins Ethan and Samantha came down to celebrate Jared's first Christmas

Jared playing with doll shoes - hey!

More presents

Jared sure loves all his toy trains

Kahlua getting in on the action

And here's Tequila lounging in the middle of all the excitement

Here's Jared passed out in his high chair one night

Christmas! Part two. Scott's friend Matt and Carmel visited
from California and celebrated early Christmas with us

Here's Matt having fun with the big boy

And Jared digging into one of his now-favorite toys, his cell phone

"Mmm, this box tastes good"

Jared appropriately ignoring all clothes presents, as it states in the "How to be a Child" manual

And here's Daddy making sure all these memories are saved in motion too