The big boy enjoying some dinner

Jared propping himself up in the corner getting ready for his next surprise

The boy is standing up! Jared started cruising! (before crawling even)

Jared enjoying his magical keyboard

The happy boy showing just how much of a ham he can be for the camera

Wait, I can do serious too

Great Aunt Nancy with Jared at Uncle Chuck's 40th birthday party

Mama, Grandma Fairchild and Jim Bird (Uncle Chuck's dad)

Great Uncle Bill and Nancy came from Connecticut and saw Jared for the first time

Grandma and Grandpa Fairchild and J-man

Jared enjoying Cousin Ethan's ball blower rolling thingy

Cousin Ethan joins in on the fun to help his little cousin

Jared LOVES playing with plastic bottles, as demonstrated here

Uncle Chuck's birthday cake - note the wine theme with corks and such

Blowing out the candles

Jared in a picture that we'll be sure to show his girlfriend in the future

Lemme out! I'm innocent I tell ya!

This boy's legs are much stronger than they need to be, heh

Here I go, going to crawl out of the crib now. Hello? Anyone watching?

The family visiting the Clinton Fall Fest and getting ready to enjoy the parade

This would have been Jared's first parade, alas, a downpour came and chased us away
Isn't that the most adorable boy?

Jared visiting our Cedar Point for the first time!

We couldn't go on too many rides but we had a great time

Our little doughboy!

The baby bear smiling like he always does

And here's mama in a little better pose

Hey there good lookin!

Jared with Melanie, our friends Matt and Tina's baby girl whom we went with

There's Matt and Tina behind us on the Magnum XL-200 roller coaster

And here's us on the Magnum XL-200 roller coaster!

Whee! Lake Erie as we climb the hill

Jared on his first ride ever - the family carousel. He absolutely loved it

The boy taking a break from all the action

It was Halloweekends where they deck out the park in Halloween style.
Here we see some of the monsters bidding us farewell. The hunchback
was cool, but the horseman kept losing his head, get it? Head?

Jared visiting Cabela's for the first time. Cabela's is a HUGE outdoor
sporting good store with tons of animal displays. In the background here
you can see a couple deer going at it

And here's the big boy in front of the huge mountain display with all
sorts of animals in the background